Artemida Mu

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#1 2015-12-15 19:17:53

Registered: 2015-12-13
Posts: 8
Windows 7Chrome 47.0.2526.80

Grand Reset > loosing all stats?

Some questions i have:

a) When we do a Grand reset we loose all our points and have to start from 0 again?
b)When we do a Grand reset do we  loose the tree points too ?
c) If i dont want to Grand reset can i continue over the 50 reset limit,for example until 70 reset?

These for now  [dblpt]p


#2 2015-12-15 19:24:21

Registered: 2015-11-28
Posts: 37
Windows 7Firefox 42.0

Re: Grand Reset > loosing all stats?

Some questions i have:

a) When we do a Grand reset we loose all our points and have to start from 0 again?
b)When we do a Grand reset do we  loose the tree points too ?
c) If i dont want to Grand reset can i continue over the 50 reset limit,for example until 70 reset?

These for now  [dblpt]p

a)  You have 10K ++ after gr and first 1

0GR 1RR = 800 stats
1GR 0rr = 0stats
1GR 1rr = 10800stats [dblpt])

b) still

c) get GR for more stats ;D  Max rr server 50


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